xcite play Centre Guidelines
- Please do not consume your own food and drink on the premises. The only exception is for babies or bringing a birthday cake for your own child’s party.
- All food or drink is to be consumed within the café seating area. For hygiene and safety, there is a strict policy of no food or drinks in any of the play areas.
- No chewing gum is allowed on the premises.
- Shoes are not to be worn in any of the play frames and socks must be worn at all times. Shoes can be stored under the café tables.
- Children may be asked to remove jewellery, loose clothing or other accessories, if deemed to be a possible risk for injury. Parents will be advised.
- For the safety of your child, we recommend that long sleeves, trousers, jeans or tracksuits are worn to prevent friction burns while using the play equipment.
- Parents, Guardians & Carers MUST:
• Remain on the Premises
• Monitor their children, to ensure they are capable of using the equipment safely.
• Know where their children are playing at all times.
• Parents, Guardians & Carers: – should know their child’s/children’s capabilities and ensure their level of supervision reflects this. - All health and safety guidelines will be followed by staff and all parents and guardians are asked to co-operate with the staff in this regard. Should an accident occur, parents must immediately inform the supervising staff if the incident has not already been reported. NB: 1st Aid box is at the reception booth.
- Abusive or Unruly Behaviour: Xcite Play operates a zero-tolerance policy with regards to bullying, threatening or abusive behaviour towards children, adults or members of staff. If the situation cannot be resolved amicably, then management reserve the right to instruct people to leave the premises.
- Xcite Play also requires that there is at least 1 adult per 3 – 5 children depending on the age of the children. ie: (all children under 5’s a ratio of 1:3-max – a mix of ages 1:5-max). To help maintain safe supervisory levels.
- Management reserves the right to refuse admission